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vision & history


Our mission at New Zion Baptist Church is building relationships that shape our community and last for eternity.  Jesus came to restore unity between God and His people, not to enforce religious tradition.  Our church family strives to continue this work.  We believe that developing stronger relationships with other believers in Christ can truly help the community begin to look more like something in which God can be pleased.
New Zion Baptist Church is one of the oldest churches in Choctaw County, founded in in 1842.  The first church pastor was Bro. Silas Dobbs.  In 1856 a committee was appointed to select a place for a dedicated building.  They built a log meeting house 200 yards south of our current location.  In 1938, members voted to move the church to its current location and the original building was dismantled and relocated.  A new brick building was built in 1967. This was New Zion's home until March 28, 1996, when the building caught fire and was a total loss. Two years later in 1998 our current church building and fellowship hall were completed.


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